Happy Birthday Peyton!

Can you believe a young girl raised over $20,000 at an event we recently sponsored? Peyton has been working hard for a few years now to touch the lives of our four-legged officers. Read on to find out how Red Clover Coffee got involved and how you can too.

Peyton’s K-9s

In August of 2018, six-year-old Peyton Estochin started out raising money for a K-9 unit in her area of McKeesport, PA. The dog was suffering from cancer, which had caused medical bills to skyrocket to the tune of $9,000. Peyton’s first fundraiser for Farkle raised $700 in just two hours by selling homemade sweet tea. The mayor of McKeesport recognized her perseverance and devotion with a “Living the Message Award” for her love. These are giving to “honor those who show Respect, Dignity, Hope & Love.” Pennsylvania state senator Jim Brewster also sent her a letter to congratulate her success and praise her efforts.

The special ingredient in Peyton’s sweet tea had to have been love, because she went on to organize and run another fundraiser for Farkle. She raised $2,400 by selling baked goods, ten gallons of hot chocolate, and t-shirts out of a friend’s McKeesport ice cream shop. The public’s response to her passion showed Peyton that others share in her sentiments towards hard working K-9 units. “Peyton’s K-9s” created a website to sell her t-shirts and keychains to a broader audience and share news about donations and future event information. Nine Line Apparel, a veteran-run company in Georgia, partnered with her foundation to create a unique design.

Peyton’s K-9s Birthday Bash

While most kids would want presents and activities with friends to celebrate turning eight, Peyton decided to organize a fundraiser event for her birthday on December 13th of this year. Through a silent auction and raffle, Peyton was able to raise $20,385 at her Birthday Bash event in Irwin, PA. The occasion included a meet-and-greet with working K-9s and their handlers along with a visit from Santa. You can find pictures from the Birthday Bash on the Facebook and Instagram pages for Peyton’s K-9s.

While Peyton, now eight years old, dreams of becoming a K-9 officer herself one day, she’ll settle for the meantime in doing her part to help however she can. In the past years, she has raised over $15,000 to help more than fifteen K-9 departments across the country. This funding has gone on to provide cooling vests, K-9 Narcan kits, holistic vet treatments, medical expenses, and more for departments in need. You can find out more about her current events and efforts by visiting her website at https://www.peytonsk9s.org/. There you can also submit a request for a K-9 who might need help that you know of. You can also sponsor a Narcan kit, donate in memory of someone, or shop Peyton’s current line of clothing and swag.

Red Clover Coffee Sponsorship

As a company, we felt that Peyton’s efforts were deserving of a sponsorship. Her values match our own in perseverance, commitment, loyalty, and respect. Through her initial fundraiser for Farkle, Peyton learned that there are many more K-9’s that need the community’s help, and she is determined to touch as many police dog’s lives as she can through her giving heart. She has set out with goals in mind for each of her events. She has partnered with other veteran-owned companies and organizations with the same aspirations to help K-9 units in need. She loves and cares for these working dogs like a part of her own family. It only made sense to work with Peyton in making the fundraiser as successful as possible by joining in as one of the sponsors the Birthday Bash. In addition to sponsoring, Red Clover Coffee sent a shipment of goodies to be used in the silent auction and raffle how Peyton saw fit.

We wish Peyton a Happy Birthday, and we wish Peyton’s K-9s all the success for future endeavors!

Find out more about the 4-Leaf Values of Red Clover Coffee here and about our history and mission here. You can support more organizations like Peyton’s through purchases from Red Clover Coffee or support Peyton’s K-9s directly at their website.


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